
Mission Statementを読んでみる

現在勤めている会社のMission Statementを発見。勤務して1年となりましたが、読んだ事がなかったので忘れないようブログに投稿しておこう。(勤めている会社名がばれてしまいますが。。。)
ちなみに、このMission StatementはShort versionとなります。
Genesys enables companies to deliver a superior customer service experience in real-time. Consumers today expect good service. By phone, by e-mail and over the Web. They expect speed, accuracy and easy access to information. To deliver the level of service that today's customers expect, your company's software applications, communications infrastructure, and customer information must all come together in real-time to provide a superior customer service experience. Genesys is 100% focused on call center software, delivering real-time interaction solutions to medium- and large-sized businesses, and contact centers of all sizes.

皆さんも自分が勤めている会社のMission Statementを確認してみてはいかがでしょうか。

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